AFCOE Africa
Amazing Facts Africa (AFCOE Africa) equips clergy and lay people
in all aspects of evangelistic ministry.
“One worker who has been trained and educated for the work, who is controlled by the Spirit of Christ, will accomplish far more than ten laborers who go out deficient in knowledge, and weak in the faith. One who works in harmony with the counsel of God, and in unity with the brethren, will be more efficient to do good, than ten will be who do not realize the necessity of depending upon God, and of acting in harmony with the general plan of the work.”
- Evangelism, p. 109
AFCOE Africa Provides training in five areas of Evangelism:
PUBLIC EVANGELISM - How to create and present a memorable sermon, make appeals, use PowerPoint, and conduct a successful evangelistic series.
PERSONAL EVANGELISM - How find interests, conduct effective Bible Studies, answer objections, and get decisions for Christ.
HEALTH EVANGELISM - How to conduct a Health EXPO in a community, and how to do simple home remedies.
CHILD EVANGELISM - How to present the truths of the Bible to children, how to hold an evangelistic series for children, and lead them to give their lives to Christ.
LITERATURE EVANGELISM - How to use truth-filled literature to not only plant seeds of truth, but also to help fund mission work.