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Class descriptions


Personal Evangelism

Learn to awaken a spiritual interest and effectively communicate Biblical truth through friendship evangelism, focused conversations, your personal testimony, literature distribution, door-to-door surveys and canvasses, community programs, health evangelism, and Bible studies. Study the fascinating principles of soul-winning, the process of conviction, and the art of leading people to decision. Learn how to communicate and minister in a local church effectively. These skills will be applied through field opportunities.  This class is taught on Sundays as the iSHARE training for both Full-course and iSHARE students.


Public Evangelism

Learn to prepare, preach, and preserve according to the principles of inspired writings. Practical instruction will cover the planning and implementation of the complete cycle of evangelism with a special focus on preaching and organizing your own evangelistic series. All aspects of this course will be experienced in a live field school with an Amazing Facts evangelistic campaign.  AFCOE Africa will also provide you with the opportunity to conduct your own evangelistic seminar as part of the curriculum. 
These classes are also taught on Sundays for the iPREACH attendees.

Preaching for Decision

Learn to prepare and deliver powerful evangelistic sermons that lead to decisions using a variety of preaching tools and styles. A study is made of the techniques in planning and constructing sermons. The student is required to prepare sermons and sermon outlines and is given an opportunity to practice preaching. Students are assigned to preach their own evangelistic series.

Practicum in Ministry: Community Outreach

Experience the joy of friendship evangelism, door-to-door ministries, health evangelism, Bible studies, an evangelistic series and evangelistic visitation, plus conduct your own evangelistic series!

Health Evangelism

Learn how to minister to people’s health needs through simple home-remedies and health education.  This class will focus on how to use the health message as the “right-arm” of the gospel, to open doors to hearts and homes.  In addition, students will gain experience in conducting community health education by participating in a live HEALTH EXPO, as part of the evangelistic training.

Bible Doctrines

Study the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith as outlined in the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church, with special emphasis on salvation. Develop concise and meaningful answers to significant questions and objections to these doctrines. Memorize important passages and texts that support our Biblical beliefs.

Daniel & Revelation

This class provides you with the keys to understand the books of Daniel and Revelation and how to present their prophetic messages in an evangelistic setting. Special attention will be given to the principles of prophetic interpretation, and the themes and central messages of these prophetic books.

Child Evangelism

Learn how to conduct a successful evangelistic series for children, with songs, activities, Bible stories and lessons, and PowerPoint slides. Since children are the "future" of society and the church, this class will teach you how to sow seeds of truth for a future harvest among those younger, and how to reap a harvest already among older children. Since 41% of the population in Africa are under the age of 15, and in Uganda, it is almost half the population, child evangelism is a fruitful field of labor.

Literature Evangelism

This class will teach you effective methods of selling truth-filled literature, and how to use this avenue of evangelism to find interests and will souls. 

For more info, please contact:


Phone: +256.772.663.785

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